ESG ja kestävyys hallitukselle ja yritysjohdolle | ESG for board members

Webinaari hallituksen jäsenille ja yritysjohdolle
Webinar for board members and corporate management


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Eila KreiviChief Sustainable Finance Advisor Eila Kreivi has worked for almost 30 years in the international capital markets, at the European Investment Bank, heading the Bank’s funding programme and its sustainable finance strategy and its communication to investors.
Noomi Jägerhorn Head of Customer Relations PostiNoomi Jägerhorn has long led Posti's ambitious and internationally acclaimed sustainability efforts. In the spring of 2023, she transitioned to the role of Customer Relations Manager in the company's e-commerce and distribution business group.
Hanna-Mari ManninenPartner, Head of Corporate Advisory, Compliance & SustainabilityAsianajotoimisto Dittmar & IndreniusHnna-Mari Manninen is responsible for providing legal services related to management advisory and sustainability at the law firm Dittmar & Indrenius.
Timo Kaisanlahti Professor, Senior SpecialistTyö- ja elinkeinoministeriö/Helsingin yliopistoTimo Kaisanlahti is involved in legislative preparation tasks regarding accounting legislation as well as serving as the Chairperson of the Accounting Standards Board. Kaisanlahti has participated in the preparation of the sustainability reporting directive and has been responsible for national legislative preparation in implementing the directive.
Jani AleniusHead of ESGGren GroupJani Alenius is an experienced leader and speaker with 20 years of experience in ESG related topics. Jani has a M.Sc. Degree from Helsinki School of Economics focusing on accounting and finance. Jani has extensive experience from the professional services sector (Big 4) and financial institutions (banking, corporate lending), where he has built and developed specialist teams focusing on ESG analysis, assurance and advisory.
Linda PiirtoCommercial CounselorMinistry for Foreign AffairsLinda Piirto is Commercial Counselor in responsible business practices, handling a wide range of issues related to trade, developing countries, sustainable development, human rights, labor norms, and gender in trade agreements, EU regulations, and other international cooperation efforts at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

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p. 09 7552 2010 (ark. klo 9–11 ja 13–15)

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